
Monday 4 March 2013

Looking to the future

Our future leaders in the AvTech academy proposed to go to a local school this week, to educate other students about aviation.

One of the aims of visiting the school, is to make selection for the fly me day which is forth coming on Friday the 8th of March 2013.

The ladies set off after breakfast for the school for their presentation. Four hours later, they all came back with beaming smiles on their faces and when asked to explain their happiness, they said that, "the school children were very pleased with their teaching".

They further explained that, they taught to other people, their favorite topics like the four forces of flight, which are; lift, gravity, thrust and drag.

They then went on to teach them about the phonetic alphabets, the four cycles of a four stroke engine being; induction (suck), compression (squeeze), combustion (bang) and exhaust (blow).

At the end of the presentation, they were able to select twenty young people to come for the fly me day.

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